A passage male and female ring ouzel turned up at Ogmore recently and as I was waiting crouched tight against a stone wall, a male sparrowhawk made a brief but welcome appearance.
Last of the winter thrushes
Up on the mountain road yesterday, between Bridgend and Maesteg, I came across six fieldfares and a redwing, a little further on and a small group of mistle thrushes were feeding in the short grass.
Workshop for Caerphilly Countryside Rangers – Pentax Optio WG1
Today I ran a training day for the Countryside Wardens Rangers (Thanks for the correction Jon) at Caerphilly County Council. Some time back they asked me to recommend a camera that would suit their needs and after some research I came up with what I felt would meet the brief.
Studies for the 5×4 work – Waders and Wildfowl
A few more images in a way that I’ve been working lately. I’m putting them into a warm toned  black and white and again looking a the wider aspect of the birds in relationship to their habitat.
Why birds are photographed? – Two views
I’ve posted a new essay in the ‘Birds Eloquent’ section of the web site that looks at a telling incident at Slimbrigde with a rare warbler and a common wood-pigeon – check it out here.
Update on the Ringed European White-fronted Goose
I’ve had a reply from a few folk from ‘Tracking Marked Geese’ about the ringed white-front that I mentioned in the post a few days back.
Bewicks at the Newgrounds
The white-fronts appear to have gone and the Bewick swans are on their way. Favourable weather for migration over the last day or so has encouraged the move and it wont be till late next autumn that the chance to see these classic birds comes our way again.Continue reading
White-fronted Geese – Slimbridge Newgrounds
The  European white-fronted geese at Slimbridge will be on their way back to their breeding grounds soon so I wanted to photograph them once more before they departed.
Golau, Student exhibition at Cardiff Central Library
There’s an exhibition on at the moment at Cardiff Central Library showing work from students I’ve been mentoring over the last few weeks. They’ve been working towards the show in their spare time, painting the boards, shooting new work and preparing the prints.
Continue reading
Pink-footed Geese and Whooper Swans at Pilling on the North Fylde Coast
This set of images are beginning to acknowledge the context in which the geese and swans birds are experienced and were all taken at Pilling, Lancashire. Rather than always trying to get closer and closer and thus denying the space that they exist within, the aim is to give over a more holistic experience of being in the landscape with the birds.
Geese and Swans on the west Lancashire coast
I’ve spent a lot of time of the last few weeks and months photographing wild geese and swans. They hold a fascination for me and one that I’ll explore soon in a essay in the ‘Birds Eloquent’ section of the web site.
Bittern, Fox, Kingfisher from Forest Farm, Cardiff
Bonaparte’s Gull at Ogmore Estuary
A chance to see a rare vagrant gull on my doorstep was too good to miss and so last week I took a visit to the Ogmore estuary in South Wales and was not to be disappointed.
Big Garden Birdwatch RSPB Ads and Cats!
The recent publicity around the forthcoming garden birdwatch has caught my attention – whilst having a pee!! On the way to Bristol we stopped in the motorway services and the add above was staring me in the face. It was placed above all the urinals in the loos!
Why Bird Photographers Must Stand Their Ground

Last year I invested in a Nikon D3s and have been putting it through its paces. It’s a camera that challenges everything I was taught in traditional analogue photography.
A Broad Approach to Photographing Ancient Monuments
Britain has some of the very best to offer when it comes to archaeological sites and how to photograph them never seems to be an issue, the situation takes care of itself.
An Uncomfortable Space
The relationship between the cliff top and the sea has always fascinated me. The space that divides the two is somewhere we rarely venture. I’m not a rock climber and even then you’re still grounded, all be it to a near vertical incline.
Heading South – The Final Chapter
A day late we headed south and the weather didn’t let us down – it rained! By now we were wanting it to, better to be able to say we had seventeen days with rain, heavy at that, on every single one of them.
Handa at Last!
We woke to rain, nothing unusual about that, but the van wasn’t shaking and it just felt stiller. Looking out to Handa was just too much, we had planned to move back south today but being opposite the island and now with the possibility that today the boat just might run, we had to give it one last shot. We could move down south a little quicker it was a chance we had to take. It had even stopped raining!
A Few Encounters – 3
An early morning start at Llyn On gave a very atmospheric sighting of a Great-northern Diver. The photograph at the beginning of this post shows the breath coming directly after it called, a very erie sound with low mist hanging on the water.