Tag: Water

Remembering the Gulf of the Corryvreckan

The Corryvreckan whirlpool is the third largest in the world

Following on from the last post, when I passed through the Gulf of the Corryvreckan, I thought I’d take a look at a few of the images I took when we boarded a rib to enter the whirlpool over ten tears ago, it felt a very different place! It’s critical to time any visit to see the full extent of the waters between the north of Jura and Scarba and there aren’t that many occasions in the year when the whirlpool can be seen at its best. We arrived before dawn for this visit and caught the tides just right for a spectacular sight.

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Tern on the Wear


Whilst I was waiting for my brother to pick up his passport from the Durham regional office back in the summer (I’ve a bit of catching up to do!) and listening to the Ashes on TMS, I noticed a common tern fishing by a weir on the Wear. We were due to visit the Cathedral later on and as per normal I carry the 50 -500mm with me at all times.

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The Cost of Luxury


Whatever your environmental concerns, and mine are many, it’s awe inspiring to sail through Milford Haven and wonder at the engineering feet that confronts you at every turn. On our trip out to the Smalls from Neyland we passed a whole array of tankers and three monsters in particular stood out.

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