Last week I went to Islay  and was particularly after one thing. I wanted to get some images that showed the geese in context with the place itself.
Tag: Technique
Working with the commoner gulls
A series of images taken on the river Taff. It doesn’t matter what your working with there’s always a real feeling of excitement when your around any activity and the aim is to find the one shot when it all comes together.
Dinas and Allt Rhyd y Groes and Classic woodland birds
A trip up to  RSPB Dinas, and a new CCW reserve for me yesterday, proved very productive with regards to the expected species, although the woods did seem a little quiet for this time of year than I remember from previous seasons. I’m wondering if this has anything to do with the lateness of spring in general?
A New Calendar – Flowers of Argoed
Nikon D300 v Nikon D3s – When To Use Which One
Tawny Owl by Torch Light
There’s been a Tawny Owl around our area lately and last night it was flying from ariel to ariel just across the road.
Dinas – 3
Early on the second morning I decided to locate at the far end of the reserve and stay for a couple of hours to see what turned up.
A Couple of Days at Forest Farm, Cardiff; Day 2
I arrived again soon after nine with wonderful light and high optimism – but the day played out as before, only this time there were no Water Rails and the smaller birds were few and far between.
A Couple of Days at Forest Farm, Cardiff; Day 1
If I was feeling lucky with the Barn Owl recently, the attempt at a Bittern at Forest Farm has evened things out somewhat.
Some Technical Thoughts From Gigrin

In response to Julian’s recent comment from Gigrin I thought I’d do a post that looks at the parameters of working on such a shoot.
All About A Heron
At WWT Llanelli today running the intermediate photography/wildlife course. Wet but not at all cold.
Videocast #1: Graduated Neutral Density Filters
We took a group of students to Laycock Abbey today, an essential for anyone interested in the history of photography.
New Equipment – Old Habits
For a long while now I’ve wanted a camera that I can carry around with me, isn’t heavy, has all the manual features I enjoy on a camera and compliments a lot of the long lens photography I’m currently involved with.
An Antidote to HDR
The vogue at the moment within photography is high dynamic range imaging (HDR) and whilst it has certain applications where it can function effectively it is, at the moment, over played. These images are an antidote to HDR and celebrate the subtle within photography.
Fields of Yellow
Quick Tip 5: Use a Smaller Memory Card
Which memory card would you put in your camera out of the two above? It seems an obvious choice, the 4.0GB. Not always, think again.
Quick Tip 4: Get The Most From Your Camera
1. Read the manual
Spend a few nights tucked up with the manual – Some are pretty dense and are not exactly user friendly and I would recommend buying a specific guide for your model. I wouldn’t be without the Magic Lantern Guides written for the Nikons by Simon Stafford. Well laid out, clear, concise, to the point and simply invaluable.
Quick Tip 3: Take Better Pictures With Less Equipment
All too often we’re led to believe that the more equipment you carry with you on any photographic trip the better pictures you will take. In many cases the reverse is true. Photography is essentially a simple act complicated by an aggressive consumer industry that needs to keep selling new and ‘improved’ equipment.
Working with Ambient Light and Flash at Night
It’s been an interesting 24 hours, with a good fall of snow last night and a further heavy shower for a couple of hours this morning. When it comes down like this, and that’s not very often round here, you have to make the most of it and it simply draws me out. There’s no possible way I can sit in doors knowing of the opportunities just beyond the comfort and warmth of the house. So between 11pm and 1am last night I roamed the streets! The dampened down sound created by freshly fallen snow is something I have always loved and by eleven last night Llantrisant was under the spell.