The main reason for visiting Northumberland was to see my brother’s exhibition, The Resilience of the Wild, at the Customs House in South Shields.
The main reason for visiting Northumberland was to see my brother’s exhibition, The Resilience of the Wild, at the Customs House in South Shields.
A week spent in Northumberland with my brother to see a few exhibitions he’s been involved with was inspirational in many ways and has pushed me forward in thinking about my own work.
Falmouth Press and Editorial final year degree show, Arvor, is on at the moment and over the weekend I went down to have a look. My daughter graduates from the course this year and has been involved in the organisation of the event.
A run up to Dinas, always a favourite haunt, and a good walk around the ‘rock’ past Twm Sion Cati’s cave in still very cold conditions produced some really fine icicles and ice sculptures. It was difficult to get a sense of the beauty through photographs and I felt dissatisfied when I left them, never an easy thing to do, and this disappointment was confirmed when I downloaded the images.
There’s an exhibition on at the moment at Cardiff Central Library showing work from students I’ve been mentoring over the last few weeks. They’ve been working towards the show in their spare time, painting the boards, shooting new work and preparing the prints.
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We are trying to establish a gallery space at the Atrium on the second floor. ( The Atrium is the University of Glamorgan’s Media Centre in Cardiff and where I teach part-time) Probably going to name it Oriel f2.
There are some hidden gems around, and often in your own locality, that for various curious and unfathomable reasons you have never visited before.
It’s difficult to keep looking at contemporary images all day, everyday, year in year out and remain fresh all the time with the looking. Just recently I’ve been to a good number of exhibitions and at universities it’s now final show time.
There’s a good exhibition on at the moment, it’s in St. Donats Art Centre that showcases the work of Bert Hardy and the time he spent for Picture Post in Tiger Bay, Cardiff, in the early 1950’s.