A recent trip up to Scotland gave an opportunity to visit and experience the Gulf of Corryvreckan from close quarters. It’s somewhere  I’ve wanted to see properly close up for many a year. I’ve passed it by on a number of occasions, first on family holidays back in the sixties then taking my own kids to have a look as we sailed towards Colonsay.
Tag: Equipment
Nikon D300 v Nikon D3s – When To Use Which One
Some Technical Thoughts From Gigrin

In response to Julian’s recent comment from Gigrin I thought I’d do a post that looks at the parameters of working on such a shoot.
Videocast #1: Graduated Neutral Density Filters
Quick Tip 8: Graduated Neutral Density Filters – An Essential
One of the most difficult things in photography is dealing with the wide exposure range that exists in many scenes.
New Equipment – Old Habits
For a long while now I’ve wanted a camera that I can carry around with me, isn’t heavy, has all the manual features I enjoy on a camera and compliments a lot of the long lens photography I’m currently involved with.
Beat the Epson Printer Scam
I print using an Epson R2400 Stylus Printer, which has proved to be a really fine work horse over the years. The other day however, I was a little alarmed to see two red lights flashing in a way I’d never witnessed before and the printer completely unresponsive. When I tried to print I got a message telling me that “Parts inside your printer are at the end of their service lifeâ€
Quick Tip 6: Keep Your Bag Clean
Quick Tip 5: Use a Smaller Memory Card
Which memory card would you put in your camera out of the two above? It seems an obvious choice, the 4.0GB. Not always, think again.
Quick Tip 4: Get The Most From Your Camera
1. Read the manual
Spend a few nights tucked up with the manual – Some are pretty dense and are not exactly user friendly and I would recommend buying a specific guide for your model. I wouldn’t be without the Magic Lantern Guides written for the Nikons by Simon Stafford. Well laid out, clear, concise, to the point and simply invaluable.
Quick Tip 3: Take Better Pictures With Less Equipment
All too often we’re led to believe that the more equipment you carry with you on any photographic trip the better pictures you will take. In many cases the reverse is true. Photography is essentially a simple act complicated by an aggressive consumer industry that needs to keep selling new and ‘improved’ equipment.
What’s in a Bag?
It’s not a good moment when you arrive at a photographic job without a camera! I managed to blag my way out of it – another story – but your legs go weak and you are just hoping your in some kind of bad, really bad, dream. I was working as a very young medical photographer at the time and the department had ten ‘primed’ and ready to go camera bags so you could respond to any incident or request instantly. The bags were placed in reception and you would rush out picking one up on your way.