Bewicks at the Newgrounds


The white-fronts appear to have gone and the Bewick swans are on their way. Favourable weather for migration over the last day or so has encouraged the move and it wont be till late next autumn that the chance to see these classic birds comes our way again.DSC_8691-Edit-Edit



Shooting through glass

This set of images were all taken from the luxury of the heated Peng observatory and through glass! I felt a bit of a fraud sitting in such comfort and shedding rather than adding clothes. The glass caused no problems, as along as you managed to find an area that hadn’t been smeared with droppings! It gave a chance to follow closely the antics of the Bewicks and particularly the swabbing of the young siblings.




Avoiding complex backgrounds

In such situations it’s really important to be aware of what is going on behind the birds you are photographing as well as the space around and between them.  With so many ducks geese and swans around in the Rushy it’s all too easy to end up with complex backgrounds which distract hugely from the main focus of the image. Careful observation and patience is required, taking advantage of when the birds move into favourable positions and don’t get in each others way. Working with the 500mm and the swans only a few meters away, it’s possible to get really close intimate shots; the key is to keep the focus point shifting from left to right to bring the point that is the most important into focus.




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