It’s been a good while since I last posted a blog but a recent trip to Mull, and devouring ‘The Eagles Way’ by a favourite nature writer of mine, Jim Crumley, has made me think about getting ‘something out there’(funnily enough another title of one of Crumley’s twenty five or so books!)
From the Archive
Portuguese able seaman, Firethorn 1979
Ghosts of the Restless Shore 2
Ghosts of the Restless Shore
A hard week putting it up, but also a rewarding experience. The exhibition runs from now until 15th November. There will be a dedicated website to follow and also a new ‘Active Projects’ category on this website. Much more to follow!
From the Archive
Bala 1980
1980 – Rhiwlas, Bala – I’d seen the shot before and asked the shepherds if they could create a perfect circle with the feed.
Ghosts of the Restless Shore
One of the things that has helped me during my period of depression was having to do some work on a project that I was committed to prior to my illness. At times I had absolutely no interest in going out with the camera but forced myself to do some work.
Depression – West Wales Water
Up and Down
I have read and been told that the road out of depression is one of ups and downs, with the ups slowly outweighing the downs.
Depression, CBT and my Blog
Why haven’t I posted?
It’s been a long while since I wrote a blog post, something which I enjoyed doing and know some folk out there enjoyed looking at. First of all I apologise for this lapse and will slowly endeavour to get back to putting it right.
Photography Walk One – Cwmfellinfach
We were lucky with the weather for a new series of walks with Caerphilly Countryside Services that started on Saturday, as I write this now there’s thunder around and some seriously heavy rain!
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
A little wacky at times, definitely engaging and, as it was billed, ‘..serious fun…’ That’s what the ‘Actions Speak Louder Than Words’ Conference was today. Held at the Burberry factory in Treorchy it aimed, through a very interactive event, to allow voices to be heard and listened to.
Elvis on an iphone – part 2
Elvis on an iphone – Part 1
We took the first year USW photojournalism students to the Elvis festival in Porthcawl on the weekend. We did the same last year, it’s a really good introduction for them to get used to communicating with people and most folk are ‘up’ for being photographed.
When Light is Magical : 2
Sometimes everywhere you turn light seems to be doing something extraordinary and it can happen when you are in the perfect place. It happened this summer in Glen Etive, one of the very best glens in the highlands of Scotland.
When Light is Magical
There are a few occasions when light seems more, much more than simply the everyday occurrence that we take for granted.
Enys Gardens – Cornwall – Bluebells
Walking Through the Sands of Time – Part Four
From Aisndale to Southport completed the Sefton Coast path on day four and saw a full complement join us for another day of learning, talking, discussing and listening.
Walking Through the Sands of Time – Part Three
Never believe the weather forecast! It was going to be a terrible day, thunder, heavy rain and the risk of floods. We had a plan B, never sure quite what is was though and I put the canon into its underwater housing!
Walking Through the Sands of Time – Part Two
The second leg of the ‘Walking Through the Sands of Time’ Â saw us all move from Hightown to Freshfield. Just images of the group this time, the format of the walks remains the same. I’m slowly beginning to see themes developing and what the walks are meaning to me. I’ll post about them later.
Walking Through the Sands of Time – Part One
It seems to have been a long time coming but finally, today, we kicked off the first of the four Art Walks running the length of the Sefton Coastal path. Today’s leg took us from Waterloo to Hightown not much more than four and a half miles but it took us over six hours.
A few images from Scotland
Just a quick post firstly to apologise for the lack of activity on the site and secondly to preview a few images from a recent trip to Scotland.
Avocets, Godwits and Gulls at Marshside
Simply a great place to be during this time of the year. Avocets, godwits, gulls and lots of squabbling – wish I lived closer!