The second set from the day at Gigrin, this time the ‘White’ Kite. It’s a fairly regular visitor to the feeding station at Gigrin and the correct term for these ‘whites is actually leucistic.
Black Kite at Gigrin Farm
The first of a short series from the Kites at Gigrin last week, beginning with the Black Kite.
Final Group Walk With Caerphilly CC
Red, White (Leucistic) and Black Kite
Southerndown and Kenfig: A Defining Philosophy
Lancashire Coast and Mosses
The Lancashire Mosses
Bala: A Retrospective No 5
A Few More From December
Bala: A Retrospective – No 4
During the year I spent on the farm my aim was to photograph just about everything that each day would bring.
Bala – A Retrospective – No 3
Welcome Back
Scotland and ‘A New Beginning’
Autumn Walk from Hollybush
Bala: A Retrospective – No 2
Bala: A Retrospective – No 1
My work with a farming community in Bala, North Wales started some 28 years ago and over the next year I’m aiming to take the work back to the community to properly archive all the images.
Tom Ashmore's Response to the 350 Project
We’re running a major environmental project in university at the moment called 350, much more about this soon, but check out this piece of work from one of our first years at Glamorgan University. You can see more of Tom’s work at his site.
All About A Heron
At WWT Llanelli today running the intermediate photography/wildlife course. Wet but not at all cold.
10 Recent Images
I’ve been out and about to various parts of the country in the last week or so, and as always camera with me, without it you feel somehow undressed.