The Cost of Luxury


Whatever your environmental concerns, and mine are many, it’s awe inspiring to sail through Milford Haven and wonder at the engineering feet that confronts you at every turn. On our trip out to the Smalls from Neyland we passed a whole array of tankers and three monsters in particular stood out.

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Home Farm Butterflies


It’s been a great weekend, weather wise, and down on the farm the butterfiles have been out in force. The Painted Lady and Whites were more ‘flitty’ and took a good while to gain anything decent from. That’s not always the case but today they were not for staying on any food plant for more than a second or two.

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Macro: Nature In Close Up


On the other end of the lens spectrum from the 500mm telephotos and converters that I use most of the time, are the macro lenses, enabling close up work of the smaller animals found around us.

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