From my early days as an aspiring photographer I would take any opportunity to learn the craft. At that time I was hoping to get a small folio of images together that would help in getting on to one of the very few photography courses in the country at that time.
Tag: Documentary
Poor Housing Conditions, Aldershot – Early Work, 1980
One of the first projects we were given when I started my documentary photography education at West Surrey College of Art and Design in Farnham, back in the early eighties, was to find a local newspaper story that had no images attached to it and go and make a photo story out of it.
Walking Through the Sands of Time – Part Four
From Aisndale to Southport completed the Sefton Coast path on day four and saw a full complement join us for another day of learning, talking, discussing and listening.
Penarth Sea Front – Anglers – Part Two
So Countryfile came and went, and there’s not much more to be said really. Half a days filming for a minute and not putting the context behind the work we are planning to do. But there we go, nothing ventured etc. etc.
Anglers at Penarth – A Developing Student Project
Elvis Festival – Part 2
From Humble Beginnings
The Elvis festival began in 2004 from fairly small beginnings but is now it’s one of the largest in the world attracting Elvis’s from all over the globe. It has become something of an essential player in the local economy as well, worth close to seven million pounds but remains a tad surreal when you find yourself listening to a pretty good Elvis playing in a fish and chip shop!
Elvis Festival – Part 1
A group of students on our new photojournalism course at the University of South Wales covered the Elvis festival at Porthcawl this weekend and their work was showcased on BBC Wales news online.
Students at Porter’s – Band Photography

The new academic year has started and our first year students are involved in a number of photography shoots during their induction week. Today saw a collaboration between the music and photography courses that are run at the Atrium.
Marsden Grotto – Kittiwakes
‘I’ll just leave it for you to see’ were Mike’s words as we were driving through South Shields towards Marsden. He’d mentioned nothing about Kittiwakes, a lift or a pub and as we drove into the car-park none of this trio were evident, but he’d said something about a grotto?
Queen Victoria in the Mersey
Our timing was good but totally fortuitous, the Queen Victoria, Canard’s smaller sister (Queen Mary 2 and Elizabeth being larger) was due into Liverpool on the morning we were heading back to Wales.
Bala: A Retrospective – No 6
Estamos Juntos – An Exhibition at the Atrium

We are trying to establish a gallery space at the Atrium on the second floor. ( The Atrium is the University of Glamorgan’s Media Centre in Cardiff and where I teach part-time) Probably going to name it Oriel f2.
Bala: A Retrospective No 5
Bala: A Retrospective – No 4
During the year I spent on the farm my aim was to photograph just about everything that each day would bring.
Bala – A Retrospective – No 3
Bala: A Retrospective – No 2
Bala: A Retrospective – No 1
My work with a farming community in Bala, North Wales started some 28 years ago and over the next year I’m aiming to take the work back to the community to properly archive all the images.
10 Recent Images
I’ve been out and about to various parts of the country in the last week or so, and as always camera with me, without it you feel somehow undressed.
During our recent holiday to Cheddar we cycled over to Wells and spent an enjoyable day in and around the Cathedral.