There are a few places where the sky dominates the landscape; the Lancashire mosses; the Somerset Levels; the Western Isles; some wide coastal estuaries and of course Norfolk. To this list I would add Exmoor.
Home Farm: Great-spotted Woodpeckers
We’ve started feeding again down on the farm and have a new hide in a more open location.
Home Farm: Sand Martins
There are two banks on the river that runs through the farm that support small colonies of Sand Martins. Last year was not a good year for them.
Leighton Moss
A few images from a recent visit to Leighton Moss. Apparently the Bitterns are having a rough year here with perhaps only one pair on the reserve; the severe winter having taken its toll.
A Walk on the Gower: 2
A Walk on the Gower: 1
Hirundines and Swifts
Any chance of having a go at photographing the Hirundines and Swifts and I’m there. I love watching them, get excited about seeing the first ones arrive and continually marvel at their extraordinary life cycles.
Somerset Levels – Day 2 – Bittern Fly Past
In the afternoon I moved back to Shapwick in the hope of getting one of the Bitterns that the previous day I had noticed were, at times, flying over the main path from one reed bed to another.
Somerset Levels – Day 2 – Tealham Moor
Breakfasted on Tealham Moor, less of a moor in the traditional sense and more of an extensive area of wet grazing meadows with a good number of ditches throughout, but not a common sight today.
Somerset Levels – Day 1
An early morning start saw me at Greylake RSPB reserve for soon after 7.00am. Very quite save for Reed and Sedge Warblers on the reeds along the paths to the hide and some mating swallows from the hide.
Coming back from the farm the other day I decided to take a look at the bushes at the side of the railway to see what was about. The camera was in the van and I just took the binoculars. Ten yards off the road down a small path towards the railway, and only about twenty yards away, was a fox staring me out.
Dinas – 3
Early on the second morning I decided to locate at the far end of the reserve and stay for a couple of hours to see what turned up.
Dinas – 2
Two of the specialities of Dinas are the Redstart and the Pied Flycatcher, both in good numbers on and around the reserve.
Seed Dispersal
Swallows at Brianne
At the far end of the reservoir and towards the evening there were good numbers of swallows ‘hawking’ low over the water. They were also using a fence nearby  in between forays.
Tree Pipit – An Interesting Composition
Herons at Regent’s Park
I was in London yesterday for a conference related to how the higher education sector can move towards a greener and more sustainable curriculum, something I’m really interested in.
Dinas – 1

Here’s a few of the birds photographed on the recent weekend to Dinnas and the surrounding hills.
Dinas and Llyn Brianne – Mid Wales
I spent last weekend working the area around Dinas, the RSPB reserve up in this part of the world. I parked up at Llyn Brianne and was out really early the following morning and caught some great light and mists that shrouded the landscape of this still wild area.
Avocets at RSPB Marshside
This is a reserve I love visiting, particularly at winter and this time of the year.