Calendar Walk – 1

Weather was stunning, but we had to search for the flowers despite the recent warm weather. Luckily James took us to a small patch where Caerphilly Countryside Services have recently planted a whole variety of flowers.

Wild they may not have been but they certainly gave us a good hour and allowed for some of the techniques we had discussed in the talk at the beginning of the day to be put into practice. A couple of further stops for a bash at some Lesser Celendine and  Herb Robert, the former by the river which gave the opportunity to look at placing them in their wider context. It was a good start to the project and great to see many of the folk who had made the previous calendar such a success along with some welcome new comers.




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  1. Really strong set Andy – Working close can change things so much. Hope Meagan enjoyed keeping me cool!

  2. I am looking to buy a prime lens either a 35mm or a 50mm which one would you recomend please as I am not sure edwin

  3. Hi Edwin- what camera are you using?

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