Our third day and not much progress towards St.Kilda but all enjoying the Inner Hebrides and the uncertainty of where we would be mooring the next night. This evening we found ourselves in one of the remotest places in Scotland, Inverie on Knoydart, only accessible by foot or boat.

A Striking Sunset
We left Canna in rain, the last we would see for weeks, and made the short sail east between the southern tip of Skye and Mallaig. Inverie sits on the upper reaches of Loch Nevis; curiously nowhere near the magnet that is Ben Nevis, and has half of the peninsula’s population with post office, school, tea rooms and pub.

It was in the evening that the weather changed and we had a Hebridean sunset that left an after glow to well gone midnight. A little time for fishing and a walk through the village where House Martins were collecting mud from one of the road side puddles and Siskins seemed to be everywhere. The wet gulf stream here is perfect for lichen and mosses with some fine growths on the walls and undergrowth, but it was the quality of the light around 9.oopm that held our attention.

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