Back at the farm again and working in a little brighter light gave me better parameters in which to work. The flight shots were taken with the Nikon 500mm lens prefocused on about a two foot square frame.
As soon as I saw any movement from the trees bordering the feeders I pressed the shutter. The Nikon DS3 allowed me to work comfortably at 3200 ISO and on speeds no less than 1250/th sec. At times, as the sun came through the clouds, I could gain a little more depth of field as I was working on shutter priority.
Of course there’s a lot of luck and chance but it’s crucial to be prefocused at just the right spot depending on the birds path to the feeders and then anticipation is the key. It’s way to late to press the shutter once you see the bird arriving in the space, all you get then is the bird nestled nicely on the feeders and nothing in the space; it’s a game of low percentages, but a good one to play.
Chaffinch’s dominate the grouping simply because they’re easier to deal with, sometimes ‘hovering’ before landing on the feeders. The tits on the other hand are straight in and out with no messing about. Decided lack of siskin, gold and greenfinch this year on the feeders??

Hi Tim
i found its got to be the most frustrating way of spending time ! half a bird in frame and in focus , most out of focus and how do they manage to not be in frame when the shutter firing away at 6 frames per second as they pass through !
I know Tim, but such a thrill when one does comes out ok! So many near misses but I love it.
Solid concentration as well. Enjoying your mammal stuff lately, think you’ll be growing long ears next!!
Love the Blue Tit! Really stunning!
Thanks and yep it’s the strongest image from the set – I think
Tim, your patience has really paid off with these images. I guess you had some great tuition when you studied photography down there in Farham…
John Hewerdine
Yep, have a lot to thank you for John, a very sound start! Really great catching up a couple of weeks back and lovely to see everyone again.