Looking towards the Gribun cliffs from the oak and birch trees on the south of Loch Na Keal
Across the Sound of Mull looking over to MorvernSqually showers over Loch an Ellen and Loch Airde GlaisBack spout in high winds – Gribun cliffsRock Pipits are regular along the shorelines of MullHighland cow with Common Gulls
Dipper at its regular spot by Knock FarmLower slopes of Ben MoreWhite-tailed EagleGribunSunset over Ulva
The landscapes are very reminiscent of parts of New Zealand I’ve seen, makes me excited to explore Scotland when I return. Also the names! I lived just down the road from Lake Benmore on the farm and visited Ulva Island sown south here too!
The landscapes are very reminiscent of parts of New Zealand I’ve seen, makes me excited to explore Scotland when I return. Also the names! I lived just down the road from Lake Benmore on the farm and visited Ulva Island sown south here too!
Well, I’ll be very happy to introduce you to the wonderful Highland and Islands!!