As a professional photographer and a lecturer I am available for commissioned work.
I’m available for commissioned work and projects that relate to anything to do with the land, those who work on it and its natural history. I have worked on commissions for County Council Countryside Services in the production of calendars, promotional material, postcards, illustrative material for natural history leaflets and the documentation of major land reclamation schemes. I have also supplied images for various publications. I have an extensive archive of natural history and landscape images which are available on request.
I have also written extensively on photography and the natural world and as can be seen from this web site writing is integral to my work and I’m available for any writing commissions or magazine articles related to these areas.
Framed and unframed prints
If you see any image on this web site that you feel would make a great gift or enhance your home in the form of a framed print then please contact me to discuss sizes, frames and costs.