Luing is a small island so it’s possible to see a fair amount of it in a short time and with the light fading by 4.30pm at this time of the year (early November) getting to a few places, north, south, east or west is doable. After Ardinamir Bay we headed to the west of the island, to Black Mill Bay.

Luing is more rolling landscape than mountainous, with the south holding more pasture than the north and it’s here that you come across the famous Luing beef cattle – a hardy commercial breed which suits the tough conditions a winter brings to the island. It came into existence just after the second world war, when the Cadzow brothers (who still farm the island) crossed a Highland heifer with a Beef Shorthorn bull. It was officially recognised as a breed by the government in 1965. They are also found on Torsa and Scarba.

Black Mill Bay, just like all the slate islands, would have been a busy port in it’s heyday. Today the remnants of the former peer give an eerie sense to the place, and again it being November we had the place completely to ourselves.

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