Iona Day 2 – Part 1

An Early Start

Up early and out to Traigh Mhor (Big Sand), south from the ferry terminal. A rich morning light and a still sleepy island meant I had it near enough to myself.

Rock Dove and the iconic Hooded Crow gave me company as I took the road over to Camus Cul an Taibh (Bay at the Back of the Ocean) A Meadow Pipit was foraging for food and a newly fledged Stonechat looked uncertain in new surroundings.

Port Ronain with the Abbey in the background

White sands and crystal clear water were emphasised by the early morning light.

Sentinel Heron
Fledgling Stonechat
Meadow Pipit
Traigh Mhor with Mull and the mainland as a backdrop
Rock Dove
The ‘very Scottish’ Hooded Crow
Rooks were common throughout the island
The road out to the Bay at the Back of the Ocean

The Bay at the Back of the Ocean would be for another day as I had sights on the north for the rest of the day.

Back for breakfast before heading out to the north of the island with the weather set fair and anticipation high. – See Iona – Day 2 – Part 2



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