Iona Day 4 – Part 1


Bay at the Back of the Island

The Only Day of Rain

The forecast was right! Early morning it was threatening and getting darker with the wind beginning to strengthen. I like these conditions even if it can make photography a little challenging.

The morning saw a walk to Camus Cul an Taibh (The Bay at the Back of the Ocean) over the golf course, which in summer is a blaze of colour as the machair hosts an extraordinary carpet of wildflowers.

The golf course with the track heading to the Bay at the Back of the Ocean
Looking back to the Sound of the Iona from the road that cuts the Island into two, east to west
Sound of Iona

The road to the west coast always held Twite often in small mixed flocks with Linnet.

Twite, one of the star birds of the Island.
The golf course held a number of passage White Wagtails
The edge of the beach held a couple of Rock Pipits

The rain held off till the afternoon but there were some dramatic skies developing.

On the way back to the cottage before heading out to the north again I walked the beach overlooking the Sound of Mull as the rain started.

Shags were numerous all around the coast
Hooded Crow
Looking south from Maol in the centre of Iona
The ‘school run’
Iona school, currently has 15 pupils aged from 3-11 – secondary education is in Tobermory on the Island of Mull
The Sound of Iona


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