Over the last few weeks I’ve been searching to get photographs of birds singing. It’s meant generally early mornings, but on any lockdown walk I’ve had the camera handy.
Species: Spotted flycatcher
A few images from Scotland
Just a quick post firstly to apologise for the lack of activity on the site and secondly to preview a few images from a recent trip to Scotland.
Spotted Flycatchers at Highgreen
A week spent in Northumberland with my brother to see a few exhibitions he’s been involved with was inspirational in many ways and has pushed me forward in thinking about my own work.
Dinas and Allt Rhyd y Groes and Classic woodland birds
A trip up to  RSPB Dinas, and a new CCW reserve for me yesterday, proved very productive with regards to the expected species, although the woods did seem a little quiet for this time of year than I remember from previous seasons. I’m wondering if this has anything to do with the lateness of spring in general?